LookingGlass Juries consultants can help you tailor a completely custom program, so you get exactly the insights you need. You pick the jurisdiction from which the jurors are drawn, usually the location where the matter will be heard. Then you select the number and types of jurors you want to poll.

Create the exact jury composition you want

We help you determine the specific demographics of the online panel, selecting the age, gender, income, education, religion, and other characteristics of each juror. Based on all those inputs, LookingGlass Juries recruits the panel, who, instead of traveling to a law firm or focus group location, simply logs on to a secure online environment.

All presentations are digitally recorded, not just written descriptions

Unlike other services, LookingGlass Juries delivers results based on real-world scenarios. Instead of reading a description of your arguments, LookingGlass Juries view and react to recorded footage of your arguments, or of your experts actually giving testimony. In addition, you can have the jurors respond to sophisticated questionnaires, constructed by you or working with one of our consultants.

Jurors are given a set timeframe in which to view the recorded presentations, complete the questions and return their review. They provide in-depth feedback along with detailed information about themselves, again, all in a password-protected environment.

Get answers, analysis, “insights”, “actionable data”

From there, we provide deep analysis of their responses – analysis that typically goes beyond your initial requests. The results often reveal trends and themes that you might have missed or not thought to consider. Or unexpected flags on certain demographic profiles – both who to avoid, and who to court.

Case Evaluation and Risk Assessment Research

Testing Case Themes and Strategies

Venue Evaluation

Jury Profiling Study

Visual/Exhibit Testing

Mock Trial

Post Trial Juror Study

Opinion Survey